The Lifebridge Regional Approach
03-18-2019Shelters and resources for people experiencing homelessness are services unlike any other. There are not many places where people in need can find experienced peer mentors, willing to help and listen. Over the years of exploring our passion and drive for helping people, we have found things that work and some things that don’t work. We have gone through the growing pains of finding the best ways to help end homelessness. Here’s what we’ve been up to.
Expanding Our Region
We have extended our services to three locations on the North Shore. Now, we offer services at Seeds of Hope, Grace Center, and River House. Each locations’ services cater to the different needs of different people in our region. The LifeBridge thrift shop has also been a consistent driving force that’s helping to supply our clients.
We knew extending our service region was necessary. We saw the opportunity to connect multiple communities on the North Shore, and we benefit from the value in the same team helping people at different locations.
Providing Stability
Some people need extra stability because they have never had anyone close to them for help or guidance when things got rough. Whether someone needs to sit around a knitting circle, or needs to join an AA group and listen to similar experiences, LifeBridge is there. Everyone can find supportive programs that pertain to the aspects of life in which they need improvement.
At First Glance
People may assume that others experiencing homelessness have made mistakes in their lives or have wronged, and this is why they are homeless. We are here to tell you that this is not the case. You never know what someone is going through solely based off appearance. Many situations in life are out of our control. When clients come to us, it doesn’t matter what happened in their past, what matters to us it helping them regain control, and prevent losing control in the future.
With this new, regional approach, we have gone back to our roots to think about what’s important to us. Expanding locations and services to reach more people is important to us. Knowing that more people are getting the help they need, and that we are one step closer to our mission of ending homelessness makes up feel hopeful. We can’t wait to see what this new approach brings.
If someone you know is in need of our services, send them to Lifebridge North Shore. To contact us, reach us at any of our three locations: Seeds of Hope in Salem: (978) 744-0500 Grace Center in Gloucester: (978) 675-6240 River House in Beverly: (978) 921-1304.