Success Stories At Lifebridge North Shore
06-01-2019On our website, we highlight success stories for a number of reasons in our fight to end homelessness. We’ve found that when someone is struggling, one of the greatest inspirations and motivations is to hear from others who have experienced similar situations, and see how they have progressed.
Our success stories help those who are struggling by highlighting other individuals who have been in their shoes. Clients highlighted in our success stories have worked to better their lives and feel as though they have achieved sustainability and reached their goals. When you have someone to relate to, and you’ve seen a peer come so far, it can inspire you to do the same.
In 2016, we found it necessary to expand our services and, in 2018, we continued this expansion of our services. Offering more help and support on the North Shore is our approach to ending homelessness in our region. We have seen much success and positive impact from this expansion, and it only makes us want to keep going!
Whether someone is struggling with addiction or needs a clean, warm, safe place to sleep, clients can come to Lifebridge locations and get the help they need. Clients who stay short-term or for longer visits both reach their achievements, as everyone’s situation is unique and specific. We support many levels of needs, and this allows clients to reach the success they desire.
Clients often credit their success to the supportive programs and skills training at Lifebridge. These programs at our Salem location help our clients with their own self-sufficiency, education, and personal growth. People benefit greatly from these services because they’re able to learn so much and build and hone their skills. These skills help them immensely when they leave Lifebridge.
Some skills training at Lifebridge include Creative Writing & Reading, Money Matters, and tons of volunteer opportunities. These programs really resonate with our clients and help them to advance their skills. Not only are clients learning the skills from the training but, in the process, they’re also working with peers, meeting new people, and bettering/building communication skills. These are lifelong skills and experiences people can use and reflect on as they transition to self-sufficiency.
If you have questions for us or think someone you know could benefit from Lifebridge North Shore services, contact us at any of our three locations.