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Our Mission: Ending Homelessness on the North Shore


At Lifebridge North Shore, we have the mission of ending homelessness in our region, north of Boston. Homelessness is an epidemic, and when it comes to our region, we believe solving it starts with us. 


Our programs and services are designed to assist those experiencing homelessness in a number of ways. From finding a hot shower and a place to sleep to eating three nutritious meals a day, we help to get people back on their feet and on track to regaining stability.

Lifebridge Team Photo

We have a huge impact on surrounding communities, like Salem, Peabody, Danvers, Gloucester, and Beverly. We know that there’s a huge response to our services in this area as we serve over 1,000 people annually. 


Intensive case management allows individuals to get the support they need to achieve stability. Our case managers are talented and knowledgeable and know how to work with individuals who are experiencing homelessness. 

support group

Case managers help people to overcome debilitating obstacles that they may deem impossible, and encourage guidance, peer mentors, and support.


Workshops, groups, and other resources at Lifebridge make this journey with our clients possible. No matter what clients are struggling with, whether battling drug dependency or regaining stability, we commit to their success and invest whatever it takes to see them improve. 


community meals programs

This regional approach has brought us closer to reaching our goal, but we don’t plan on letting up. On July 1, 2016, the merger of River House in Beverly took place, as well as the acquisition of Grace Center in 2018. Now the issue of homelessness is addressed with a regional approach. As of 2019, we’re now working with the most number of clients we’ve ever had, and we know we’re making progress.


If you have questions about how you can get involved at Lifebridge, or wondering how our services work, reach out to us at any of our three locations. We can answer your questions and get you the information you need. See how you can join us in our mission and start taking action in your community today.