Your Gift Changes Lives...

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Collection Drives At School, Work, Or Church


Giving back to the community is an important way we can help people who are experiencing hardships and difficulties. Instead of pushing people when they’re down, Lifebridge has taken the initiative to respect and help others through principles of acceptance, hospitality, and opportunity.


With the staggering number of individuals experiencing homelessness on the North Shore and in Massachusetts, we do everything we can at Lifebridge for extra support and guidance in our region.People standing in front of Lifebridge Thrift Shop in Salem, MA


A great way we offer this support is through accepting donations from collection drives. When you host a collection drive or fundraiser at your school, work, or church, this gets more people involved in supporting the cause. It creates a bond within your community and allows everyone to contribute to something larger than themselves.


As you collect items from your drive, like food, clothing, or personal care items, you can bring them to Lifebridge and we make sure they go to someone who needs them. If you don’t have a large community to host a collection drive, you can consider a small party, celebration, or gathering. In lieu of gifts, consider asking for donated items that will be shared with Lifebridge.


Lifebridge Thrift Shop in Salem, MACollection drives can be a great opportunity for communities to collect feminine care supplies, hygiene products, toiletries, and other care products that can be helpful for people in need.


When clients come to Lifebridge, we ensure they get the services they need. This includes channeling donations as needed. Canned goods, dry supplies, and other food items can go a  long way in helping individuals regain stability.


As you get your school and work involved in a good cause for the right reason, it shows the importance of giving back and highlights the power of community efforts. Bringing your collection donations to Lifebridge helps us toward reaching our goals. Every little bit helps when you donate.


If you have questions about donation drop-offs, reach out to The Lifebridge Thrift Shop at 978-745-2459.