There are lots of misconceptions when it comes to the homeless population. Many people believe there’s a “one type fits all” but, as you will see, this truly is not the case. Sometimes there are events that come up in life that can’t be planned, such as illness, the death of a primary income earner, divorce, disability, or the loss...
It’s time to face the fact: summer is over. It’s a sad time, but at least we do get to experience some beautiful autumnal scenes in New England. For people living on the streets, cold weather brings many different challenges, which is why your support of charities, like Lifebridge North Shore, who have housing programs to lower the number of...
Did you know that the first Friday in October is World Smile Day? What makes it even more special is that the idea was started right here in Massachusetts! Harvey Ball was a commercial artist in Worcester, Massachusetts who created the smiley face in 1963 as a symbol of “goodwill and cheer”. However, the meaning gradually got lost over time,...
What’s better than New England in the fall? We’re blessed with the most beautiful foliage, which creates unbelievable backdrops – even in urban areas. The country’s favorite flavors, such as pumpkin spice are back – yay! – apple picking season is here, and we can look forward to bringing out our comfy sweaters. While most of us are enjoying the...
Wherever you live, homelessness is difficult to turn a blind eye to. With roughly 552,830 homeless people in the United States, and an estimated 20,000 living on the streets of Massachusetts, finding ways to lower the homeless population is a big deal. For some, it’s easy to look the other way, but many find themselves searching for ways they can...
There is much beauty and culture in the hub that is downtown Salem, MA. With the train station leading further up north towards Rockport, and south towards Boston and the South Shore, you can get anywhere you need to go from Salem, MA. When you’re here, you’re tucked away little city just North of Boston. When we think of Salem,...
Homelessness in Salem has increased in recent years. In our mission to end homelessness, we’re working within the North Shore communities every day to spread awareness of our locations and to welcome new clients in the region. In 2017, Salem Police Captain Conrad Prosniewski noted “The statistics are staggering. We have a homeless problem in Salem, and the number of...
As the seasons change, Lifebridge clients adapt to the change of weather. When it starts becoming colder outside, our clients’ needs change, and we’re constantly looking for ways to better meet their needs every season. When the Fall is setting in, and September is winding down, there are a few ways our community members can help. Any type of support...
If you’re a resident of Salem, a historian, or a lover of all things witchcraft, you probably know the Salem area very well. Downtown Salem, MA experiences the busy season during September and October, and we all know this can be a crazy and hectic time of the year. When it comes to the homeless community of Salem, we’re...
At Lifebridge North Shore, we have the mission of ending homelessness in our region, north of Boston. Homelessness is an epidemic, and when it comes to our region, we believe solving it starts with us. Our programs and services are designed to assist those experiencing homelessness in a number of ways. From finding a hot shower and a place...