Donating To Lifebridge During The Fall Season
09-10-2019As the seasons change, Lifebridge clients adapt to the change of weather. When it starts becoming colder outside, our clients’ needs change, and we’re constantly looking for ways to better meet their needs every season.
When the Fall is setting in, and September is winding down, there are a few ways our community members can help. Any type of support goes a long way for us, in our programs, our shelters, and our client activities. You can get involved by donating from your Fall fundraisers, or volunteering during the busy season. Read on to learn more!
The Busy Season At Lifebridge
At Lifebridge, we’re always busy, constantly bringing in new patients and sending patients off who have made great progress towards stability. However, during the fall and winter, as the weather gets colder, clients on the North Shore come to Lifebridge for support, warmth, and meals.
Seeds of Hope in Salem, MA provides 36 shelter beds for individual men and women who are given a clean, warm, and safe place to sleep. In order to accommodate the increase in demand for services at this time of year, we add an additional 18 beds. River House in Beverly, MA has 34 emergency beds. With these increase of beds and influx of clients, we can use all of the help, support, and donations as possible!
Fall Fundraisers At Your School Or Church
During the fall, everyone is back to school. Homecoming and fall activities during school make for the perfect opportunities for fundraisers. If you’re looking to raise money or host a drive for a good cause, Lifebridge is more than honored to accept donations in all forms. We appreciate kind donations during the busy season as these donations get our clients through the colder weather. See what’s needed at Lifebridge in regards to necessities and goods for our kitchen.
Donation Drop Offs
When you hold a fundraiser, clothing drive, or have donations to give, we accept donation drop offs at the Lifebridge Thrift Shop. We welcome donations of furniture, clothing, art, household items, and books. We do not accept children’s items. Donations may be dropped off Monday – Saturday (until 12 Noon on Saturday) at 47 Canal Street in Salem. Check out other ways you can donate to Lifebridge.
Donating And Helping Gives Back
When you donate to Lifebridge, you’re directly giving back to your community. You’re helping the people experiencing homelessness in our region, and you’re fighting our mission with us to end homelessness.
Keep up to date with our blogs to read about donation and volunteer opportunities for you to support Lifebridge. If you have any questions for the Lifebridge team, contact us at any of our locations.